Welcome Message

Well HELLO there:)!! Welcome to Tiffany McNutt Photography {the blog}. Pull up a chair, relax and enjoy my latest sessions. I'm a natural light, on-location photographer serving in the 29 Palms, CA area. This is where I share sneak peeks of my recent sessions, exciting news and sometimes the latest happenings here in my little world. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me! Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you in front of my lens soon:)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Baby B.Newborn

I bet you all have been waiting on your tippy toes to see this little cutie again after I put his teaser onto the facebook page:) Well if you don't remember Amber's maternity shoot you can check it out here! I have been "following" Amber and Travis' little love story since they came to me back in early 2010 to do a couple shoot. Then I got some awesome news that Amber was expecting a little man in November, so she wanted me to do their maternity shoot and newborn shoot of their little man. Brydan finally made it into the world after Amber had to have a c-section since his cord was wrapped around his neck twice. I couldn't wait to meet this little cutie for his newborn shoot!! He slept most of the time and peed once (which Amber was right there to make sure he didn't pee on himself)haha + he didn't like to be away from mommy to much:) Check out this cute little owl!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Being Thankful:)

I thought I would write a personal blog this time around on this amazing holiday coming up this week...Thanksgiving:)

What are you really thankful for? Have you actually been able to sit down out of your crazy hectic schedules to remember what this holiday really means? Do you let people know your thankful for the things you are? I know that there is some AMAZING YUMMY food to eat and a football game for those who are die hard football fans. But I will admit sometimes I forget to remember what Thanksgiving really means. I know everyone has their own outlook on what Thanksgiving means but...

To me Thanksgiving is a really special time for me and my family back home. We usually have a get together at my Grandma's little house and all my family comes. Surrounded by photos of everyone growing up and those embarrassing photos. We usually chit-chat and wait for everything to get ready, then one-by-one we all grab our plates and start piling on all the delicious food. I know this year I'm going to miss my mom's mouth watering potato salad (lucky for my step-dad)!!!haha But just having that family together to share an amazing meal, to be thankful for eachother that we are all still here and we have that love and support for eachother! If you know me FAMILY...is a very important thing to me. I grew up with just me and my mom and then she met my awesome step-dad/step-sisters and our family grew. Just that family bond and how we celebrated our holidays will stick with me forever!! I want to pass that onto my kids so then they can share that with their families in the future to come.

I know this year I'm very thankful for the two amazing men in my life, my husband and my son. I promise not to get all mushy mush on you all, but these two really do make life worth living. I don't know what I would do without them in my life. I would probably most likely be a complete different person then who I'm today. My husband is my rock, he has forever changed my life. Luckas our amazing little toddler has shown me so much since he has been born. I never knew I could love another person as much as I love him!! Okay, enough of me babbling. Here is a sneak into our little life:)

*[photo taken by Leah of Leah Sharee Photography]

* [photo taken by Leah of Leah Sharee Photography]

*[photo taken by Caitlin of Oh Penelope Photography]

Everyone have a very great Thanksgiving with your family and loved ones. And for those of you fighting over seas..Thank you for all you have done for us to spend this holiday with our families!!!


When I first started to think of where I wanted to go with the Webster Family. I wanted to go somewhere different, something new and when I thought of my little place. Before I go to a shoot, I like to think of things or props I want to bring to the shoot or certain poses I have thought of. So I was so excited for their shoot to begin:):) This little family was one of a kind. Channing was just ADORABLE..and he loved being in front of the camera!! I think Iris needs to keep an eye on him when he gets older, he is going to be a lady's man. Now his older sister Autum wasn't really liking the whole camera/picture idea. But right towards the end she would crack a little smile and laugh, then stopped. The Webster Family is getting ready for a nice move back home to Arizona next spring/summer!! Check out this awesome family and their teasers from their session!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Jessica was the winner of the last contest: The Referral Contest!! Her and her husband Brandon worked REALLY hard to get all the referrals that they did:) Brandon is finishing up his schooling here in 29 Palms at MCCS. So they should be finding out hopefully soon on where they are going to be stationed at next. I also can't forgot Miss.Marley, she was so talkative and loved being in fron to the camera!! I hope Jessica and her cute little family have a great Holiday Season:) Check out there cute family session.

See I told you she was just adorable:)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Baby Emma.Birth

Lets start this blog off with me checking my text messages at 6 something am. I was just tossing and turning since I'm used to getting up with Luckas that early anyways. But I should of been able to sleep in since we had our Marine Corps Ball the night before. Anyways we were in Laughlin,NV when I got the text message that Melissa was in labor and if I was still out of town. I'm glad we didn't plan a vacation for two nights haha. I started to freak out that I was going to miss the birth of Miss.Emma. But right as we were pulling into 29 Palms, Melissa was dilated to 8cm. So I rushed to the hospital as fast as I could after picking up my camera. I just arrived when I was told to wait till after Melissa gave birth. Miss. Emma Austin finally made her presents into the world on November 13th at 12:29 pm. She was 19 inches long and 6lbs 9oz. I honestly think she is going to have the beautiful hair just like her mother. She was just to adorable for words...just check out her cuteness!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Another Little Reason....

Why I have been slacking on everything. I have been a little behind on blog posts, editing photos and getting things done.


I couldn't wait till I'm 12 weeks because I'm bursting at the stiches to tell everyone and I have slipt a few times!! We are super excited and can't wait to welcome our new little member to our family next summer:) So there is the little reason why I have been slacking on things. I have been super tired so I nap/sleep when I can with an active toddler running around! I hope you all have a great week:):)

Saturday, November 13, 2010


As soon as I booked the Marzan family shoot, I was excited. Even though the time change through me off just a tad, we managed to get everything worked out and the shoot turned out more then I could of ever imagined!!!!! Alexis, Jerry, Hayden and Preston had their photograph faces ready and the session went so smoothly besides the wind picking up here and there. Hayden was the cutest big brother I have ever seen. Preston was just so adorable and was in his own little world. They are going to be the best of buds when they get older. Alexis and Jerry are lucky parents to have such wonderful, handsome boys:) Anyways, Alexis and Jerry were just "adorable" together in the grown up way. I know that sounds cheesy but you just have to meet them to see it for yourself:) Here are their teasers from their session!

Rachel + Walter.Couple [Holiday Mini Session]

So for my last awesome Christmas Mini Session, I got to photography Rachel and Walter + there most loveable Shelby:) As to figure out what I wanted to do with their session wrapped around the theme of Christmas...I sent them on a mission for some mistle toe!! I thought it would be the perfect little added decoration. And I was so right, check out their photos...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hillery + Austan.Couple [Holiday Mini Session]

For my last and final shoot on the first day for the Christmas Mini Shoots..I had the privilege to meet Hillery and her husband Austan and their four legged furbaby Ace. We stepped outside of the "Christmas" feel and had a blast at the shoot. Ace was really good the whole time, he just didn't like being away from Hillery or Austan that long.haha Here are their teasers!!