I think that as Marine Wives or any wife that has a husband in any military branch. We know that feeling of a lump in your throat, where the wind is knocked out of you and your heart was just ripped from your chest! We know that feeling of saying "see you soon," as our man in uniform is sent off for a deployment on those white buses! Your reaching for his hand, for that last touch from him. Or your being lifted up for that LAST kiss. Where your just standing there in the dust as the white buses drive off. Your
crying, mascara is running, you feel like the wind has been knocked out of you
and your trying to collect yourself again so you can drive home to the empty
Andréa asked me to photograph Chase's departure for their 4th..yes their 4th deployment!! And I was very honored to be asked to photograph this moment since it's a day that some woman wouldn't want a photographer in their face, snapping away. Andréa kept it together until formation happened and they started calling off names and bus numbers. It really hit her that she was about to say goodbye to Chase again, for another deployment! She wouldn't let go of his hand as they walked to his bus. They said their goodbyes and he headed up those bus stairs. Time was going so slow, but yet so fast waiting for the buses in front to leave. Chase got off the bus to give Andréa ONE LAST kiss and hug goodbye before the buses rolled out. Then the buses started up and those wheels started turning!
I hope this deployment goes by super fast for them and that Chase has a safe return home to Andréa!! Please say an extra prayer for the men and women who deployed over seas fighting, don't ever forget them!!
{Getting off the bus to give her one last kiss and hug!}