Welcome Message

Well HELLO there:)!! Welcome to Tiffany McNutt Photography {the blog}. Pull up a chair, relax and enjoy my latest sessions. I'm a natural light, on-location photographer serving in the 29 Palms, CA area. This is where I share sneak peeks of my recent sessions, exciting news and sometimes the latest happenings here in my little world. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me! Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you in front of my lens soon:)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

{Business Momma.Personal}

Who here is an entrepreneur and runs their own business? Do you have some cute little ones as well? I think these days mother's want to be able to stay home with their cute little ones, wanting to spend as much time with them before they head off to school. It is an amazing thing and I know I'm very lucky I get to the chance to stay home with my two handsome little boys:)
Have you ever felt "How can I ever get this done, when I have this to do?", "When will I have time to answer emails/messages..with a cranky teething baby?", "I need to fold this mountain of laundry, but I really need to finish this order or session!!". Instead of you running your sweet business, is your business running you? I know that I'm guilty of having these thoughts run through my mind a few times and having my business run me. It's nothing to feel bad about, it happens when you're trying to run your own business and have a sweet family at the same time. The thing that I have been learning about is trying to find the BALANCE of it all!
Yes, I'm guilty of this!! I have been trying to find the balance between my business and my sweet family!! I know that a lot of mothers struggle with this whether it's family/business or business/family. I get asked how do I do it all? That I'm a busy woman all the time. And to be honest I like it that way {sometimes}. I am the type of person, who likes to get things done! So I either like to get things done in my business, get things done around our home or do a fun activity with my two little men! This year, I promised myself that I would try to step a little back and try to find my balance so that my family doesn't suffer and I don't drive myself bonkers. I really got to thinking once I heard about Karen Stott's story, in her story I realized I'm not the only one going through this, it made me feel a little better about everything!
I think we all need to find a nice balance, between being a momma and running our own business! I have to keep telling myself "Can this wait an hour?", "Will the world end if I don't get this done right now?", "Can this get done after we get some fresh air at the park?". And the answer that I usually get is, "Yes, it can wait an hour!!", "No, the world will not end and take that nap!" So know there is BALANCE that CAN be made, you just have to find the balance that fits best for you and your family!!

{Moments like this are what makes being a mother the best thing on the PLANET!!}



  1. i know how you feel!! i'm always consumed with orders... i swear it runs me. i went from being 9 months pregnant chasing a 21 month old, sewing like crazy, to having a 2 year old & 2 month old and taking orders.... now my youngest is almost 10 months and i finally decided i need a break!! i'm taking the summer off. spend 100% focused attention on my kids, keeping the house clean(selling our house!), and taking some creative time. i couldnt feel better about it! thanks so much for posting this. it's so nice to hear im not the only one!

  2. I am in the same balance boat as you, trying to keep my business afloat and market myself, along with raising a family. Having a 11 yr who plays soccer, a 4 year old who has Asperger's Autism and a 2 year old who is in this crazy two stage lol.. All while being a military wife! Can't forget the two dogs that come along with us.

    I don't think I will ever have a balance but just be able to get through the day.. With out breaking a tear. Thank you for sharing and showing many of us that we are not alone.. jessica
