Welcome Message

Well HELLO there:)!! Welcome to Tiffany McNutt Photography {the blog}. Pull up a chair, relax and enjoy my latest sessions. I'm a natural light, on-location photographer serving in the 29 Palms, CA area. This is where I share sneak peeks of my recent sessions, exciting news and sometimes the latest happenings here in my little world. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me! Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you in front of my lens soon:)

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Well the time has FINALLY come:) Don't get to distracted by the cuteness down below!

{Here is Drake's birth story in a nutshell...literally}

I was having contractions off and on the day of July 6th but nothing was really sticking since Drake was giving me contractions and then giving me huge gaps of 20+ minutes after awhile. I went in for my 39 week appt on July 7th to see my OB and to see what my options were or what was going to happen. She did "her magic". We came home and I started to having contractions, so I was timing them. We went in to get monitored and I was sent walking literally...they told me to WALK WALK WALK and to drink lots of water. Then to come back in 2 hours to get monitored and checked again. So we walked all over the PX about 5 million times haha :D! We left to pick up Luckas and then went back home to do last minute things. I went back to get monitored again and was admitted right there. Everything went great from there...Drake McNutt took his first breath on 7.7.11 at 9:19pm and weighed 7lbs 11oz :) We couldn't be more happy to finally meet him and have him part of our little family. Now, check out some of his hospital photos and newborn photos!!

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