Welcome Message

Well HELLO there:)!! Welcome to Tiffany McNutt Photography {the blog}. Pull up a chair, relax and enjoy my latest sessions. I'm a natural light, on-location photographer serving in the 29 Palms, CA area. This is where I share sneak peeks of my recent sessions, exciting news and sometimes the latest happenings here in my little world. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me! Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you in front of my lens soon:)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Welcome Home.Trantham

To me its really crazy to look back and see how much time has flown by since February when I first met this amazing family. I met Caitlin, Ryan and the adorable Miss. Eden before Ryan was sent off for another deployment when Caitlin scheduled a shoot. Miss.Eden wasn't even talking, walking, had her adorable crazy hair, teething and was about to turn the BIG 1. Now she is so adventurous, talks the "Eden" language which I'm really fluent in at the moment:)haha When I had an opening to do their homecoming I grabbed my phone so fast to text her. Caitlin wasn't having the best of days that day and that one text turned that day around for her!!! Through this deployment I have gotten closer to Caitlin and she has become one of my good friends and to be there when Ryan came home. I felt really honored to be honest!!

All the guys started to flood in off the bus so we were looking for Ryan. I saw him and was trying to show Caitlin where he was...I was yelling for him, waving him down so he could see his two amazing ladies who were waiting for him. When I turned to look at Caitlin to see her face, I started to cry behind the lens. Her face was so priceless to see Ryan after 7 long scary months, you couldn't help but cry for them. I'm so happy that this family is back together again!!! I can't wait to do their family photos in a couple of weeks:):) And my box of tissues are out...great:( WELCOME HOME RYAN!!